Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Countdown is On for the Zompocalypse!

The Mayan calendar tells us we have less than a year left until the world as we know it ends, and a brave new world begins.  No one knows what the new world will look like except, perhaps, our friends Darren and Dale, who plan to spend the next year preparing for the coming storm in hopes of "twarting" the Zompocalypse.

Please watch their videos and kick in $5 (or more) to support their efforts. Then please post our link and share this email to give the gift of preparedness to all of the conspiracy theorists and zombie aficionados in your lives (I'm looking at you, Uncle Eddie).


ZOMPOCALYPSO tells the heartwarming story of Darren and Dale (brothers, best friends, and possibly cousins), convinced that the end of the Mayan calendar is about to bring on the "Zompocalypse."

The duo retreat to their family's remote farmhouse to await the coming storm. As sh*t begins to get increasingly real, the brothers prepare themselves to become the last known survivors of a brave, new, and possibly undead world.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Introducing: Corn Bred Films

Or re-introducing, depending on whether or not you've noticed us as we've launched over the past few months.  We've decided to start a blog to give friends, fans and colleagues a peek inside our projects, our goals, and our thoughts in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

What is Corn Bred Films? Corn Bred Films is a Chicago-based Motion Picture Production Company committed to discovering, developing and producing films originated by artists living in the Midwestern United States.  We chose the name Corn Bred because a) we're both born and bred Midwesterners and b) we intend to find and nurture projects that originate in the Midwest.  So if you're in Idaho, you're out of luck.  Missouri?  You bet.

Hey, that's us!
If you want to find out more, we invite you to check us out at

Hope to see you back here soon!  We'll keep it interesting, or die trying.*

* Odds are, we won't actually die trying.